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Martha Stone Productions - S.A.D.A

We had a live brief from Martha Stone productions, they wanted us to ‘Design a game to support the player’s understanding of the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on an adult’s life’. 


My group and I had two weeks to create a game, we decided to focus on the Attachment Styles because they are the most commonly known ACEs, upon further research we found it to be a good topic to focus on as we could address serious issues without feeling under-qualified on a broader topic. 

The client was so pleased with our work that we were asked to present it at a workshop for mental health professional. The client feedback specifically praised my artwork.

Our game was intended to be used to teach people and carers about the different attachment styles. The player would follow the lives of three different children who were placed in scenarios, there were the choice of four different ways in which the child could react to the scenario, each of these responded to a specific attachment style. 

At the end of the game you will be shown each scenario in the form of a scrapbook and see which attachment style you tended to choose more of. This is a good learning method so trainers and carers can pick up on other traits and understand all four Attachment styles.


My role was character artist and environment artist, the art style was stylized and cartoony, and child friendly as it would be easy for everyone to understand. I designed the characters to be very simple with no facial expressions. 

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