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Tron - Intruder

University Brief: ‘games that were never made’

My group and I had two weeks to create a concept for a game based off Tron - Intruder. Tron is a 1980s science fiction action film. In Kevin Flynn's arcade, there's a poster with a rainbow on it and the word 'intruder', this what we had to create a game off.


I was in a group of three, and my role was Level Designer. Based off the image we were given, we created a fictional 80s arcade game, the concept was made of 2D sprites with a simple colour palette, a single-player game against 3 AI opponents, each one of the rainbow colours. When you move, the blocks you step on change to your colour, the level is timed, and you win by having the most blocks in your own colour. There are power ups and a high score table at the end.

level desing.png
level desing2.png
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